The Rites of the Holy Week in Sardinia


The Rites of the Holy Week in Sardinia are a spectacular event during which Easter is celebrated with the very same rites introduced by the Spanish back in the day.


During the Holy Week, in Fonni, the brotherhoods of the Basilica dei Martiri and the Church of San Giovanni Battista depict the passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ in a very religious way, but also with amazing choreographies.

As per tradition, the palm branches are blessed during the holy mass at the Basilica dei Martiri and the Church of San Giovanni Battista.

The celebrations of the Holy Week are a unique and moving experience, during which there is the depiction of the sacred washing of the feet, “Lavabis”, the procession along the streets of the town, and the “Iscravamentu”, the descent from the cross and the subsequent burial.


During Easter Vigil, the sacred rite of the blessing of water and fire is celebrated. The day after the resurrection there is the “S’Incontru”, the encounter between Jesus and the Virgin Mary, a very moving moment.

All the religious functions are accompanied by the singing by the Gosos, and the sounds of the musical instruments “mattracole” and “arranedda”.